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EasyStart is a service that acts as a link between clients and webstores, providing a simple and legal payment process. Customers do not need to register with EasyStart, we create invoices directly in our account. The customer only needs to make the payment, The service is suitable for receiving payments from both physical people and legal entities. 

After placing an order we'll contact with you for confirmation. Then we'll add you to the easystart payment system as a customer. if you're  purchasing as a company, we'll fill the form using your data.

A completed customer card looks like this in the service’s personal profile:

Physical person cutomers

1. If you're a physical person customer, the service will send you an email with a link to add the information.

2. When you click on the link, a window opens, inviting to log in using your email or Google account:

3. After logging in, a form for entering details will appear:

After you fill in the data, we'll receive an email notification confirming the customer card being added to the service’s personal profile, so we can send you an invoice for your order.